Top SEO Educators in the Industry

by Dan Stratford

The big names in SEO to me, whom I trust to remain objective, ask challenging questions, and who are not afraid to tell you how they really feel, are the following:

Peter Kent

Peter is more than just another smart guy with an English accent. He was one of the early Internet adapters. He is the one who explained to the “For Dummies” people why a “SEO for Dummies” book was a good idea.

I am not subjective in my vote, because he has been one of my mentors and friends for over a decade, but I believe I am subjective in my choice, and here is why:

  1. Peter is never afraid to ask the tough questions and challenge anyone on their beliefs. I have heard him on many occasions in front of many people fearlessly express his beliefs even when they were unpopular and against the status quo of what we were supposed to say about SEO.
  2. He describes things simply, humbly yet with a bit of English swagger. Some of my favorite Peter Kent quotes:
    • When asked, “How much work do I have to do to optimize my website?”, Peter responds, “How long is a string?”. Apparently, this is a fairly common English phrase, but it is a simple way of saying “I cannot answer that question without first asking you a lot of questions.”
    • “If you want to learn how to get your site to the top of Google, all you have to do is think like the MIT graduates who are working on the algorithm for Google.” This is one of the truest statements, and one that should guide a significant portion of everything we do, even if it is an impossible thing to do.
      (Peter may deny having said any of what was quoted above, which means I mis-remembered it or he doesn’t remember saying it. Either way, it’s true enough.}
  3. Peter has developed implemented strategies that have resulted in websites ranking at the top of Google in very competitive markets. If you haven’t actually done this, how can you call yourself an SEO? You are simply studying to be an SEO. And guess what? After you have accomplished this, if you can’t continue to rank websites then you may no longer “be an SEO”.

You can learn more about Peter on our Stratex Team page or via Peter Kent Consulting

Rand Fishkin

I have never met Rand, but thanks to his “white board Friday” vodcast, I believe I have a sense of who he is in the SEO world.

Rand is not one to tow the line on SEO either. If some SEO idea is trending like “links are dead”, “SEO is dead”, or “All you need is content”, Rand responds honestly, with integrity and with wise guidance to keep us focused on the truth rather than what is trendy (he’s not afraid to be “cool” though, which you will see if you watch his vodcasts). He backs it up with a kickass company that has a strong R & D department to actually test to see what is working and what is not. I have heard him admit to mistakes and to “not knowing” something, In our industry, if you have not made mistakes or are not willing to admit “not knowing” something you cannot call yourself an SEO.

I highly recommend his blog and especially his White Board Fridays.

Matt Cutts

..but only if you can read between the lines he constantly speaks through. If you are able to do this, then you may watch his videos and read his articles so you can learn in many cases what NOT to do to rank a site. If you are easily manipulated, then you should not try to learn from Matt Cutts. Matt works for Google and communicates via his blog and videos. I respect you Matt, and you are a very smart man, but I probably don’t appreciate you the way I should.

You can read more about what he has to say via the Matt Cutts blog, or sometimes he appears in your Google Search Console.

Bruce Clay

Bruce is a dry speaker, but he is as well informed as Rand Fishkin if not more so in the SEO world. From what I can tell he not only invests in R & D, he advocates, and he is a leader. Check out is podcast and follow his blog if you want to learn from one of the experts.

You should search for his Podcast call SEM Synergy, or read the Bruce Clay Blog

Others “too small” to Mention

There are dozens of others I have met over the years that I have learned from, and they have learned from me.

One thing all of these guys have in common is that they know are also learning every day that even though they are the established leaders, they have teams of people they work with and turn to for consulting. They do not pretend to know it all. Humility and a desire for more knowledge drives these guys to do what they do. This is why you can learn from them. Whether it is through their books, videos, blogs, podcasts or public speaking, you will learn something from each of them. Even if sometimes you are learning what not to do.

Please reach out to us if you are in any need of in-person or online training via (303) 945-7400 or our contact us page.

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